
May 21 - June 20

It’s time to spread your wings social butterfly - as long as you do it safely. You’ve been taking the time to focus on yourself these past weeks, and we are all about self-care and wellness. But Gemini energy calls for connection. The love you receive from others is something to be appreciated and celebrated... Call your tribe <3



manifestation / confidence

Citrine is a magnet for miracles, lover. Its bright energy will guide you on your journey and light up your dreams. Attract the magic that is meant for you by stepping into your personal power. With Citrine by your side, you will have the confidence and the creativity to chase whatever calls to your heart and fall in love with the person you are becoming.


stability / grounding

It’s easy to get caught up in the everyday chaos of life. Find harmony with Agate. This gemstone comes in a variety of beautiful forms, each carrying properties of strength and stability. Release your self-doubt and any negative energy you feel has been weighing you down. Agate will ground you to Mother Earth’s magic and leave your feeling uplifted and unstoppable. Breathe easy and be still. 


self-love / optimism

As soon as Chrysoprase touches the skin, a warm energy of self-love will expand within you. This alluring, vibrant crystal ignites optimism, reminding you of the light that lives inside all of us. This stone is an incredible healing aid for stress, depression and anxiety...It fills the heart with love and brightens the spirit.
